All I am for all He is

My journey to intimacy with God.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Coming soon.... So it begins.

Dear Lord Jesus, I'm so hungry for more of you. I'm desperate to be who you created me to be. I want to know you so much deeper... the depth of your love and the depth of your suffering for me. Please take me there and speak truth and life in my innermost being. In Jesus name. Amen.

Hello, to everyone who is joining me on this journey. I invite you to share your thoughts and your hearts. I don't claim to be much of anything spiritually other than someone who is hungry for more of Jesus and tired of easy Christianity. I can't promise that everything I write will be true or scripturally accurate but it will be real and honest. I also can't promise I'll have much time to proofread!

Please pray for me that I can be all He has made me to be and to know Him and be known by Him in the most intimate way. I shall pray the same for you.

In His love,


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